Live Dub mix ft. live drums & horns
With their new project, the Duke brothers are releasing part of their studio for a Live Dub performance. Going from the mixing desk to the trumpet, melodica, or percussion, they remix a selection of roots reggae productions from their own label, while remaining faithful to the mythical effects that form the reputation of the genre: spring reverb, tape echo, and phaser. A mesmerizing show that directly touches the subconscious… Dub Wise !!!
Les frères Duke sortent une partie de leur studio pour une performance Dub. Ils passent chacun à leur tour de la table de mixage à la trompette, au trombone ou aux percussions et remixent en direct les productions roots reggae de leur label en restant fidèles aux effets mythiques qui ont fait la réputation du genre : réverbération à ressort, écho à bande et phaseur. Un show envoûtant qui touche directement au subconscient… Dub Wise !!!
- Jah Faya Dub Duke Live Dub 3:39
- Botsrah Dub Duke Live Dub - Prince Alla meet The Giants 4:42
- Africa Dub The Giants 3:05
- Confusion The Giants Feat. Putus Roots 4:36
- King Dub Duke Live Dub - Prince Alla meet The Giants 3:57

Kimmy Gold – Black Woman’s Glory

Prince Theo – Give Praises

Duke Live Dub

Putus Roots new 7” 45rpm – A side : Changes – AA side : Farmer

Addis Pablo meets The Giants – Jah Faya Riddim

Putus Roots meets The Giants – Farmer

Prince Alla & Ras Jammy meet The Giants

The Giants Meets Addis Pablo – Live